UPDATE (10/25)--Francie and I will be starting at Maduro this Wednesday, Oct. 27. We're playing from 9pm-12am. See ya there :)
UPDATE (10/12)--Francie and I will be starting at Maduro either Wednesday, Oct. 20 or Wednesday, Oct. 27, depending upon the health of her father. We want to present the show as a duo from the get-go! In the meantime, keep Francie's family in your thoughts as they navigate through this difficult time.

While my good friends Anthony and Leslie Cao are busy with the current production of the Madison Opera, I'll be filling in on the piano at Madison's only cigar bar--
Maduro. Come on out every Wednesday from 9pm-midnight. I'll be playing all requests as well as some originals--a couple weeks solo, then Francie Phelps will join me for duo shows!
Wednesdays: 9pm-12am
117 East Main Street
Madison, WI