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Friday, January 11, 2013

Healthy Singing with an Earplug

Free tip for all you singers out there (especially the ones at noisy bars)--> Throw an earplug in one of your ears. It helps you monitor how healthily you're singing. I've been doing it for months now, and this being my first week performing with a cold, I gotta say it's a godsend. I can feel where the threshold of "destructive pushing" is, and I simply don't cross it :)

Bonus fact--> Most people have one ear that is far better at determining intonation. It shouldn't take much experimentation to determine which ear to plug and which to leave open.

Happy singing!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sriracha Lip Balm: A Christmas Gift for Masochists in Your Life

[okay... awesome! -Josh]

Sriracha Lip Balm: A Christmas Gift for Masochists in Your Life:
Sriracha makes most things better, including popcorn and lollipops. But the latest addition to the Sriracha camp—lip balm—might just be a step too far for most people. More »

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You Can Pre-Order the Back to the Future Hoverboard Right Now

You Can Pre-Order the Back to the Future Hoverboard Right Now:
If you missed ordering it earlier this year, you can pre-order the official Mattel Back to the Future hoverboard right now at MattyCollector.com. Plop down a $130 and you'll get the 1:1 scale model that's fully sanctioned by the movies. It's the real deal. More »

Monday, November 26, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” Passes Justin Bieber’s “Baby” To Become The Most Popular YouTube Video Ever With Over 805 Million Views

Damn! - Josh

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” Passes Justin Bieber’s “Baby” To Become The Most Popular YouTube Video Ever With Over 805 Million Views: gangnam_stable
It was only a matter of time, and we’re happy this happened on a slow news day over the weekend: Psy’s viral music video hit “Gangnam Style” just passed Justin Bieber’s “Baby” to become the most popular video in the history of YouTube. The video has now been watched over 805 million times.
The video made its YouTube debut on July 15 and currently has over 5.3 million likes and about 320,000 dislikes. Bieber’s “Baby” – which had a nice run at the top of YouTube’s charts since its debut in February 2010 – only has about 1.4 million likes and a whopping 3.2 million dislikes. At least Bieber’s corporate parents won’t be too unhappy about this development: since September, Psy and Bieber work for the same music label.
Thanks to Psy’s (and his management’s) relatively hands-off approach to fan-made remakes and parodies, the song itself has likely been heard quite a bit more often on YouTube. According to one metric, these fan remakes have garnered over 220 million views. The first live performance of the song on Korean TV also has a full 152 million views.
With the exception of “Charlie bit my finger – again,” every single video in the YouTube top 30 is now a music video and sadly, this list also includes the “Tootin’ Bathtub Baby Cousins” with 251 million views and “The Gummy Bear Song” with 265 million views. We’ll leave it up to future anthropologists to decide what this all means…